Martin O'Neill, the man behind the badge, can be seen standing next to the logo he designed for the club's 100th birthday. Being the Wids, he wasn't here to admire his own work. He was opening up the changing rooms for the first Mini Bees session of the season.
Having dried out after yesterday's downpours, we've started receiving pictures of the day's events. So far, there are 64 in the photos album section. As soon as more arrive we'll add them to the collection. They are in a haphazard form at the moment but we'll sort that eventually. I expect Ian Moss's clubhouse shots will provide a more professional view of the proceedings. In the meantime, if you have any photos to add to these, they would be more than welcome - particularly ones of the rain-soaked Colts game. You can forward them by email to or WhatsApp 07871274893